
General Aire offers high-quality filter media options from leading brands that are highly effective against a broad range of contaminant gases.

Media Products

Purafil® Select CP Blend Media Purafil® Purakol® Carbon Media

Purafil® Select CP Blend Media

Purafil® Select CP Blend Media consists of an equal mix (by volume) of Purafil® Select Chemisorbant Media and Purakol® activated carbon media. The Purafil® Select Chemisorbant Media contains a combination of powdered activated alumina and other binders, suitably impregnated with potassium permanganate to provide optimum adsorption, absorption and oxidation of a wide variety of gaseous contaminants. The Purakol® Media consists of activated carbon for the control of hydrocarbons with a high surface area available for adsorption.

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Purafil® Purakol® Carbon Media

Purakol activated carbon media consists of virgin-grade, activated, non-impregnated carbon. It removes contaminant gases by means of adsorption. Gases adhere to the surface of the media pellet during the adsorptive process.

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